Boost for Diversification and Security of Supply

The import and export capacities of our neighboring countries have recently been expanded, particularly in Italy. This is very positive news for Austria, as the import capacities from Italy will be significantly increased starting in October 2024.



The upstream Italian network has now been expanded, improved, and strengthened. Starting October 1, 2024, it will be possible to import ca. 11 GWh/h instead of the previous ca. 8 GWh/h. This means that Austria could import around additional 25 TWh of gas per year from Italy. Consequently, the yearly gas technical capacity from Italy to Austria will rise from 71 TWh to 96 TWh per year. This increase is particularly important at the start of the new gas year and significantly enhances supply security for Austria and interconnected markets.

Boost for Diversification and Security of Supply

The import and export capacities of our neighboring countries have recently been expanded, particularly in Italy ...

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PCI-listing received!

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